Friday, January 21, 2011

We'll miss you, Abba Family!

Our last night at Abba House was an incredibly memorable night. Our team cooked a Mexican dinner for everyone. We had fun preparing Mexican food, especially since Marissa and I have been craving it for most of outreach. Mmm! We set up tables and had a family style meal with everyone for our last night together.  Following dinner, we all gathered and sat all of the New Life/FCC men, along with Dave and Francis, in the front of the room. Our team wanted to bless these men by acting as Jesus did by washing their feet. We wanted to make sure no one took offense to this since feet are very unclean in Thai culture. The men were taken back by our request to wash their feet but allowed us to proceed. Each of us washed someone's feet and the expressions on their faces were so humbling. After serving the men, we wanted to wash our leader, Jacque's feet. But as Marisa went to wash them, Tom, one of the New Life guys, told Marisa he wanted to wash Jacque's feet instead. As he washed her feet, they both began to break down crying. This started the tears for the night. The attitude of selflessness throughout the room was beautiful. There was such peace that only Holy Spirit could bring. The men requested to wash our team's feet in return to serve us. As they did, they were so gentle and so moved by the Spirit. Wat, who washed my feet, was weeping and even dried my feet with the shirt he was wearing. This expression of servanthood and humility grew through out the night and the washing continued on with the Abba House girls. Each of us were moved deeply that night. There was an open mic for anyone to share, and Marisa and Ivy had put together a slideshow for everyone to see the journey we've been on this past month together. To lighten up the night, we prepared brownies and ice cream sundaes for everyone. We exchanged contact information, took pictures, and even had a dance party with some karaoke. Abba House has deeply impacted and transformed us. We are so blessed to have met and shared the love of Jesus with our brothers and sisters there. 
Now we're off to Phuket to work with a ministry called, SHE (Self Help Empowerment). There we will be working alongside women who have previously been in the sex trade industry and ministering to women who are still working in the bars. This is such a spiritual heavy place. Please be praying for this ministry. Thank you for all your continued support.

"Now that I, Your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you should wash one another's feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you." John 13:14-15

-Catherine Willis

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